Beijing Raptor Rescue Center - China
Birds of prey are falling prey in ChinaBeijing Raptor Rescue Center continues to care for rescued birds despite omicron shutdowns
Beijing Raptor Rescue Center continues to care for rescued birds despite omicron shutdowns

In recent weeks, the Omicron variant has spread rapidly throughout many cities in China and the government continues to advise strong quarantine controls. More than half of our IFAW China team cannot commute to the office, including several of our rehabilitators.
May is our high rescue season as many raptor species migrate through Beijing—a vital habitat and ecological corridor for migrating birds. Staying home was not an option for our team and a contingency plan was made.
Over the weekend, Crane Zhang, one of our rehabilitators, received notice that Beijing Normal University (BNU)—where BRRC is located—would not allow anyone to enter or exit university property. She immediately left her family to board at BRRC and care for the 20 raptors currently in rehabilitation. Each bird has a daily routine and three of the raptors require daily medical care.
Thanks to our Wildlife Rescue teams, we have developed contingency plans for emergencies like this. The BRRC team stocked enough food and medical supplies for this period.
And we want to thank our partner, BNU, for prioritizing the well-being of our staff.
In other great news, Crane assessed that two of the raptors may be released amid the campus lockdown!
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